Gregoires in Slovakia Blog Articles

Going with the Gregoires... to English Camp

We have English camp next week. We are doing it with only Slovaks and teens from our church and several of our kids’ classmates.
No other Americans could come this year due to travel restrictions.
But you can still partner with us in one of three ways this summer.
Donate, Share, Pray! No travel or quarantine required!

First, Donate, you can partner with us through a financial donation.
Double Up summer is here!
Giving usually drops in the summer months, but our cost for ministry actually rise.
Are you a current donor? Consider picking a month this summer and doubling your normal donation.
If you are not yet a financial partner, you can still participate. Pick something in your budget that is recurring: a phone bill, cable bill, Netflix subscription. And double it by contributing the same amount to our gospel ministry in Slovakia.
Simple enough? It is. And we are very grateful and thankful for each of you.
Here is our donation link:

Second, Share
Help us share our story and ministry far and wide. We so appreciate your prayers and want many more supporters like you praying for us.
Here is a link to our latest ministry video and a sign up for our newsletter. Currently about 300 people receive our newsletter.We’d love for that number to be over 1000.
Please copy and paste this link in an email to your friends, or message to a group. Help us spread the word about what God is doing in Slovakia!

Third, Pray
Now is the time to pray.
English camp starts next Monday.
  • This week we are making preparations,
  • reminding ourselves of the gospel
  • learning how to share it,
  • and praying.
We want your help also. This is your chance to fight in prayer with us for lost souls and new lives in Christ Jesus.
Join us in prayer.Please pray for the following:
  • Pray for our preparations and strength and energy to push through this week.
  • Pray for our home.We will have helpers for camp staying with us. Which means more than our usual craziness and food prep!
  • Pray for students who will share their testimonies each day of throughout camp.
  • Pray for boldness and for the gospel will have a big impact on the campers.
  • Pray for our church to take gospel opportunities to be engaged with the parents of campers.
  • And Pray for safety and energy for all of us running the camp!
Grace and Peace,
Dan and Rebecca, Isabel, Ezra, Rose, Eliza, Mazzy, Hosanna, Zoya, and Linzi
2020-06-30 09:19 Impact Stories InSlovakia Updates