- Masks mandatory in schools, stores, public spaces, and public transportation.
- Churches closed for in-person services
- High schools and universities only online
- Restaurants, take out or delivery only
- Senior citizens only hours for grocery stores
- At any given time, a specific class in a school may move to online if a teacher or student tests positive for COVID-19
- And the government is considering testing everyone in the entire country.
Through July and August, we have enjoyed a season of worshiping together, hospitality, and evangelism. We saw two teenagers come to faith, and during this time, two others were baptized and joined our church. God has been faithful to us as he always is.
God is in control, and He is seeing us through this challenging time. We can all find much comfort in his sovereignty!
Pray for us as we work with our kids. Some kids are still in school; others have online school. Two of our kids have classmates who have tested positive. An increase in local cases is always a concern.
Pray for us as we navigate once again how to worship and minister online and under restrictions.
Serving Him,
Dan and Rebecca, Isabel, Ezra, Rosie, Eliza, Mazzy, Hosanna, Zoya, and Linzi