Gregoires in Slovakia Blog Articles

Partnering with the Gregoires

Is your faith reactive or proactive?

Are you active in seeking out gospel opportunities, or do you wait and see what happens?

We are proactive.

We are being prepared for the crowd to show up.

Flexible in our schedule.

We are diligent during the quiet times to be ready and able for the chaos.

Coronavirus lockdown gave us time to get ready.

And now, many ministry activities to have restarted and are gaining traction.

The youth group started.

The Roma kindergarten started.

Our small groups started.

Our missional community group will start soon.

Our kids are planning outreach events and inviting their unchurched friends.

In late June, coronavirus restrictions relaxed a bit. At that time, we saw a hunger for social interaction and community.

Combined with our new location, we see a boom in our opportunities and growth in ministry. As many as twenty kids are outside or in our house nearly every day. And it's common for a steady stream of neighbors to stop in and chat.

As our ministry grows, so does our ministry costs.

For example, everyone knows teens are never full, and as our youth group has grown, so has our hospitality budget. At this time, we have ministry costs that currently are not covered.
Factors outside our control, like exchange rates and global markets, affect our budget as well.

Many of you have stood by us, and we are grateful. With your partnership and God's blessing, our ministries have grown.

Now we are in an advantageous position to receive more partners.
Partner with us and sponsor one of our ministries through monthly support of $200 a month or an annual donation. It's not too early to think about giving Tuesday or end of the year giving.

Be a partner with us. Follow this link: Partner

Dan and Rebecca, Isabel, Ezra, Rosie, Eliza, Mazzy, Hosanna, Zoya, and Linzi
2020-09-16 11:00 InSlovakia Updates