Gregoires in Slovakia Blog Articles

A new way to share.

Why did we decide to start a website?

We desire to share God’s love with those around us. And we want to share with you our update letter reader and supporter how we do this.

We also want you to be able to share God’s love with those around you and share with them what God is doing in our little part of the world.

To fulfill these goals, we have created a website!

(We are not starting a new organization; it’s just .com wasn’t available.)

Much of the website will be static. It tells the basic story of our work in Slovakia and how visitors to the site may partner with us in our gospel work. They can sign up for our update email or become a financial partner.

The Blog section of the website will be very dynamic. It will be updated frequently throughout the month with our update letters, impact stories, updates from Slovakia, and Isabel’s insights.

Isabel is currently a sophomore at Covenant College. She will be posting about what she is learning and preparing her to return to the mission field. And she would love your engagement with her on what she is learning, i.e., maybe proofread an essay.

Take a look, what do you think? Please share it with a friend.

Seriously share it!

Dan and Rebecca, Isabel, Ezra, Rosie, Eliza, Mazzy, Hosanna, Zoya, Linzi

Serving you as we serve Him,
Dan and Rebecca, Isabel, Ezra, Rosie, Eliza, Mazzy, Hosanna, Zoya, and Linzi
2020-11-03 09:00 InSlovakia Updates